
Statement of Purpose and Organization

Page history last edited by Jane Bozarth 1 year, 4 months ago


Association of Christian Home Educators of Ventura County


Statement of Purpose & Organization


Statement of Purpose

We have gathered together to support and encourage those who desire to privately educate their children at home. We have purposed that this organization and all its activities and publications will be consistently and forthrightly Christian, to the honor and glory of our Lord God.



ACHEV is an incorporated, nonprofit, religious organization governed by a board of directors. Officers oversee daily operations.


Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is made up of veteran home schoolers who are members of ACHEV. They have final say on establishing policies and practices for the organization. There are 6 to 12 members on the Board. The President shall serve as the Chairman of the Board. New members are selected by the current board. Board Members are required to agree with the CHEA Statement of Faith.



It is suggested that each office be held for a maximum of three consecutive one-year terms. Officers are selected by the board of directors and consist of a husband and wife team, when feasible. An officer shall have home schooled at least one year and have volunteered as a worker. The president shall have served as an officer for one year. Officers are required to agree with the CHEA Statement of Faith.


President: They carry out the major objectives, policies and methods of the organization with the help and support of the other officers. They are to lead the group, call and facilitate meetings, delegate responsibility and oversee performance. They oversee Skate Day. The husband president may break any tie vote.

Vice-President: They provide leadership in the President’s absence. They oversee the Area Contacts, Librarians and Welcome Hostess. They host one or two open houses each year and are the point of contact for large group events.

Treasurer: They have oversight for ACHEV’s finances. They deposit membership fees and other monies, issue checks as directed, prepare the annual budget and income/expense report and report quarterly to the officers and board members.

Secretary/Membership: They take minutes at all meetings, pick up mail at P.O. Box, process new memberships, monitor memberships in ACHEV-News and MomsACHEVConnection, update the roster and send out a welcome letter to new members.

Newsletter Editor: They maintain the 3 ACHEV websites: ACHEV-News, MomsACHEVConnection and ACHEV.org. They update the homepage, calendar, files, etc. They approve and edit all messages at ACHEV-News and compile a monthly newsletter.

Activities Director: They have oversight for the regular and annual events such as SAT Testing, school photos, park days, etc. They recruit individuals to head up these activities and supervise their efforts. They update the calendar at ACHEV-News.

Field Trip Director: They plan a variety of field trips throughout the year. They recruit members to participate in planning and hosting field trips. They oversee the Theater Arts Coordinator. They update the calendar at ACHEV-News.



Workers are those who are willing and able to assist the officers in accordance with ACHEV’s Statement of Purpose. Workers may be responsible for field trips, park days, skate days, the library, picture days and many other activities and efforts delegated and approved by the President.



Membership is based upon receipt of a signed membership application and payment of the membership fee set by the officers. The benefits of membership include access to our website (achev.org) and optional social media groups for added fellowship and discussion, membership roster, participation in ACHEV activities, input into the organization and access to its pool of resources. Members do not have to agree or subscribe to CHEA’S Statement of Faith.   



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