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ACHEV (redirected from FrontPage)

Page history last edited by Jane Bozarth 3 years, 6 months ago


Association of Christian Home Educators of Ventura County


Welcome to the Association of Christian Home Educators of Ventura County


The Association of Christian Home Educators of Ventura County is a non-profit, non-denominational organization of Christian home schooling families. Our aim is to offer educational and social support for both parents and children. We have purposed that this organization and all its activities and publications will be consistently and forthrightly Christian, to the honor and glory of our Lord God. While membership is open to anyone, board members and officers are required to agree with our Statement of Faith.


Statement of Purpose


We have gathered together to support and encourage those who desire to privately educate their children at home. We have purposed that this organization and all its activities and publications will be consistently and forthrightly Christian, to the honor and glory of our Lord God.




Statement of Faith


 Statement of Purpose and Organization


Activities and Resources




Public Charter Schools and ISPs


ACHEV Moms - Join us on Facebook


Contact us















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